Sunny Days

Summertiiiiime and the LA weather is easy...except for when you want to hide your body and you can't because it's 100 degrees outside. 


I’ve loved being cold my whole life because I could throw on big sweaters and pants and hide. When it's hot you can't do that. You're forced to show ya body.

The heat was a huge plus for LA after four Chicago winters (I.was.DONE!), but it also made me nervous. What would happen if I had a bad day and wanted to hide in a huge coat? I couldn’t. I could enjoy my damn life, though! I could stop letting insecurities hold me back. So the latter options are what I went with and look at me now. Backless sundress is out to play in all its glory baby!

I love my body all the time, but that doesn't mean that every single insecurity disappears forever. We're human! We're going to have doubts and fears. It's how we handle ourselves in the face of those fears that determines our character! Do we let fear stop us from getting or doing something that could make us really happy? Or do we say, "I'm scared but f*ck it! I want this and I will deal with the scary feelings when they come up. I will assess what the fear is stemming from, tell myself it'll be ok, and wait for it to pass. I'm not going to run from something I want". Let's keep picking the latter options! Hellyeah! 


I want to challenge you to not let insecurities keep you from something you want! From something as small as wearing a dress you want to wear to something as big as asking that cute person you like out, or moving, or whatever! If we believe in ourselves and have the courage to go for it we can do anything. I'm a broken record on this because I firmly believe it.

As Summer winds to a close, I hope you aren't letting yourself hide in thick baggy clothes all the time if you don't want to. I hope you're wearing beautiful backless sundresses and not letting the fear of showing your body keep you from joy. You don't owe anyone a slim summer body. Live your fashion truth and expose whatever you wanna. :)

How does Summer make you feel? Do you dread showing so much of your body or are you embracing it? Let me know on Instagram or Facebook!

Not apologizing for the basic song choice it was the vibe!!! Just let yourself feel joy please :)