Katherine Yeilding — Body Coach

My work as a body positivity coach is deeply rooted in my lived experience, expertise, and commitment to advocacy. Having inhabited a fat body throughout my life, I intimately understand the challenges and societal pressures faced by individuals of diverse sizes. I know what it’s like to grow up being bigger than all your friends, to get ignored while your friends get hit on, to not be promoted because you don’t fit the “look” they’re going for, to be told at every doctor’s appointment that you’re a failure an inch away from death. This firsthand knowledge lends authenticity and empathy to my coaching approach, as I've navigated the complexities of body image in our world.

Through activism for fat liberation over the last decade, I've actively challenged systemic biases and promoted inclusivity, amplifying marginalized voices and advocating for social change.

My experience as a consultant for businesses striving for inclusivity underscores my practical knowledge and ability to effect organizational change. By advising on strategies to embrace all body types in product design, marketing, and workplace culture, I've demonstrated a tangible impact in fostering diversity and representation.

My trauma-informed approach, informed by Somatic Therapy training, highlights my dedication to holistic well-being. By integrating mindfulness and somatic practices into my coaching, I create a safe and nurturing environment for healing and growth so that you can fully reconnect to and learn to love your body.

Above all, my genuine care for helping others shines through in my work. My passion for empowering individuals through peer support to embrace self-love and authenticity drives my coaching practice, fostering resilience and empowerment in those I work with.

In essence, my credibility as a body coach is a testament to my lived experience, advocacy efforts, professional expertise, and heartfelt dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of others.

I can’t wait to work with you too.

Client Success Stories

Body Coaching Services

Let’s Work Together!



  • A Body Coach supports you in embracing your body unconditionally. I provide guidance to challenge societal beauty norms and negative self-perceptions, fostering self-acceptance and love. Through personalized strategies, I empower clients to develop a positive body image and confidence. Additionally, I advocate for inclusivity and diversity, promoting representation of all body types. Body Coaches create safe spaces for you to explore your relationships with your body, ultimately guiding you toward greater self-love, resilience, and authenticity.

  • Body Coaching offers numerous benefits, including improved self-esteem, enhanced mental well-being, greater self-acceptance, and an overall better quality of life. Through personalized guidance, you’ll learn to challenge negative beliefs about bodies, fostering a positive body image and reducing feelings of shame or inadequacy. This leads to increased confidence and a more resilient mindset when facing societal pressures or unrealistic beauty standards.

    Body Coaching promotes inclusivity and diversity, creating a supportive community where all bodies are celebrated and respected. Ultimately, it empowers you to embrace your uniqueness, live authentically, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and appreciation.

  • Peer support work with me is a collaborative process where you communicate your experiences and we brainstorm solutions. Based on your needs, your resources, and your particular current situation, we will work together to help you achieve your desired outcomes, as I share my lived experience, resources, and knowledge that I’ve gathered with you.

    People have come to me with a specific goal in mind, a problem to solve, or to simply have someone who understands hold space for them. Whether you are looking to gain the courage to go on your very first date ever as a fat woman, want help knowing what to say to your mother’s body-shaming comments, or need someone to listen and empathize while you share your experiences with medical fatphobia, I can be there to support you.

  • As a child, I grew up hating everything about my body, and those beliefs transferred to hating everything about myself. Growing up in the early 2000s when an 125-pound Jessica Simpson was called morbidly obese on the cover of every magazine caused severe psychological damage and traumatized an entire generation. I was constantly told that I was too fat to be loved, to have fun, to relax, to be successful, to rest, or to ever feel any sort of happiness. I was told that my life would only begin once I lost weight.

    My journey to accepting my body and loving myself exactly as I am has been a hard one, but it has also been the most rewarding experience of my life. 1:1 peer support work with me will help you identify the root of your body insecurities. Together we will work to create new thought patterns to change your life in a non-judgemental and trauma-informed space. We will work to give you the confidence to go out there and enjoy your life in exactly the body you have now.

    Through body positivity and self-image work my goal is to help you stop judging yourself and to feel free enough to enjoy yourself no matter what people around you may think.