My Skincare Routine

Hi! It's time to talk about skincare! I have super dry skin so my routine will not be for everyone, but if you have desert skin as well: welcome. Settle in. Let me tell you a tale of hydration, nourishment, and taking time to take care of ourselves.

I have a four-step routine that I do in the morning before putting on makeup. It keeps my foundation looking more like skin and it's nice to take some time out for myself! As Jonathan of Queer Eye tells us: "it's not selfish it's self-care and there's a difference". 

Taking the time (and money) out to have a skincare routine is not practical for everyone, but no matter the time or budget constraints you may be faced with, it's still worth finding products that work for you!  

Five points if you spot me ;)

Five points if you spot me ;)


I'm going to describe the steps in order going clockwise from the top left!

  1. A delightfully delicate cleanser from Lancer. I used to use makeup remover wipes to clean my face but it was wasteful and using good ol' soap and water twice a day makes me feel like I'm in a commercial. A tiny spot of this stuff cleans my whole face. I feel fresh without my skin dying out which is monumental!

  2. Next step is to clear away the dead skin! I don't use these facials every day, more like once or twice a week. The two-step process from Dr. Dennis Gross smooths and clears the skin to keep it fresh and healthy.

  3. Moisturizer! The main event! Just like the cleanser a tiny bit of this Lancer moisturizer really does the damn thing. I'm left feelin' super moisturized without feeling greasy.

  4. Lastly, I set and refresh with The Organic Pharmacy Rose Facial Spray. It's made with real-ass-roses and it smells. so. good! I'll spray this before and after foundation and also later in the day if my makeup feels a little stale and needs a hydrating boost.


Taking the time out of your day to spend a little while pampering yourself, even if it's just two minutes, will remind you of how important it is to take care of your needs! It reminds me every day that I care about myself and I am worthy of care. It helps me manifest that in other parts of my life as well. 10/10 would recommend :)

What's your skincare routine? Tell me on Facebook or Instagram! 
