To All The Fat Girls At The Beach

Today I want to write a little something for all the fat girls (or anyone who is feeling self-conscious) at the beach! If you’re feeling like what you look like in a swimsuit is scaring you into avoiding activities you would otherwise want to attend, I want to reach out with a little love and say that you are beach ready as you are right now.


These are pictures of me at the beach. This is not that serious.

But it feels serious! I’ve been scared to post these pictures to my blog. I’ve been self conscious about my belly/my body for literally my whole life. There was never a waking second of my life where I was not sucking my stomach in until about a year ago. So to post it?? To put it on the internet for however many people to see??? Feels very serious!


But honestly? These are just pictures. The people at that beach saw my body that day. The people who see me in life see my body every day. So posting a picture? While it feels like a big deal to me, in the scheme of every damn thing happening on this Earth right now is not 💃🏻 that 💃🏻 serious 💃🏻!

I feel hot in these pictures. I feel happy and confident and free in these pictures. So I’m sharing them with you! It’s not that serious! (I gotta keep reminding myself)


In 2019 we’re loving ourselves at the beach! We’re loving everything about our bodies! We’re not avoiding pool parties or beach bbqs or beach days because we’re afraid of what people might comment about our bodies! We’re human beings who are allowed to feel hot and beautiful and carefree at the beach!

Remembering that we’re allowed to take up space, remembering that we don’t owe anyone a specific “perfect” body, and remembering that we can have fun just like everyone else is so important! It’s almost Summer, it’s going to be so hot, and we should be outside enjoying every Summer activity if we want to, just like everyone else!


Please don’t let feeling too thin, too fat, too weak, too different in any way rob you of your joy! I’m the beach boss and I say everyone is allowed to have fun.


I’ve included a few of my favorite bikinis here juuuuust in case you are now inspired to try something new! I love you! Tell me all about your swimsuit feelings on Instagram or Facebook!
