Flower Girl

Spring! The snow is melting, the blooms emerging, and much like my freshly cut bangs, I am entering this season feeling new!


With the new season I am feeling reenergized to break away from old ways and choose new paths! I feel as though I am finally opening my eyes to previous patterns of behavior and shifting my focus towards actions that serve where I want to go. I am opening myself up to change and accepting what new people/places/things life wants to bring to me! In other words: ya girl feels good.


I want to help bring a little bit of this spring fresh feeling to you! Some prompts:

1. What is your ultimate perfect dream for your life? The Sky’s the limit, you get everything you want, ultimate Disney happy ending dream. What is that? Let yourself really get specific and really get wild. This one should be mega fun.

2. What does the dream version of you do everyday? What are their habits? How do they interact with the world? How can you incorporate those things into your life now?

3. How do you want to be treated? Find out and get specific. By yourself and by other people. Say no to people who repeatedly choose to treat you in ways that don’t line up with your needs. My therapist says, β€œyou can never truly say yes to something until you learn how to say no”.


I hope the prompts are a first step in getting you towards where you wanna go! It’s a long journey, Lord knows I’m not there yet and I don’t have it all figured out, but hopefully this helps. :) Tell me your answers on Instagram and Twitter.
