Stop Commenting On Other People's Bodies

The title says all you need to know, but you know imma still explain it because ya girl is long-winded. ;)


Unless you are a doctor (and probably even then tbh), another human body is none of your business. It's really simple! Your opinions on if someone is too fat or too thin do not matter. Someone "losing too much weight" is a big ol' bag of Noneya (none of ya business). Someone gaining too much weight is a big ol' bag of Noneya as well. It's really really simple. 

My body is mine! It doesn't affect you in any way! And let's get super real, a person who goes out of their way to comment doesn't give an eff about health. They just want to assert their perceived moral authority or project their own insecurities onto another person! I don't have time. I'm too busy enjoying myself.

As I talk to my female friends of all sizes about this issue I come to realize that people feel a real ownership over female bodies. One thin friend in particular was losing weight because of a time of heightened anxiety. Her coworker felt as though it was their right to comment and tell my friend that they no longer found her as hot because she was now too thin. I see stories all the time in the reverse too of everyone suddenly becoming a cardiologist the second a fat person steps onto a bus. 

A woman's body is not her worth, it is not her morality, and fundamentally it is not. your. business. Women do not owe you a certain body. Any human regardless of gender expression does not owe your eyes a certain look that you prefer. If you have a friend or someone else in your life who you know is working hard to change something about their body and you know for a fact that they would like it if you said something then go ahead! But. If that very specifically is not the case: keep your mouth shut. It's really simple. 

I believe in being proud of whatever body you have. I also believe that we are not defined by our bodies. If someone has an opinion on how you look that’s their problem dudes.

Being a human is hard enough, let's make our lives about kindness and try to spread some light. What's your experience with unsolicited comments on your body? I'd love to hear on Facebook or Instagram.
