FACE MASKS! (An Introduction)

It's time to talk about my truest love: Face Masks. The millennial treat. Pop a mask on and take 15-20 minutes to yourself to relax and pretend that you're fancy. Face masks are my favorite form of self-care for many reasons and the skin benefits with the right mask aren't too shabby either. Let's chat about 'em!

My favorite face mask, you ask? Thank you for asking! My favorite face masks are from Kocostar. I will be doing a full post about my all-time favorite masks from many different brands in the future, but for now, let's talk slices and petals! 

I've linked a few of my favorite flavors ;)

I've linked a few of my favorite flavors ;)


Here are the reasons to love these masks: 1) The mask is not one large sheet that doesn't totally fit your face but instead is made up of small sheets that you can place around your face/body and focus in specific areas. 2) They legit look like flower petals!!!!!! Or slices of fruits!!! It's a true treat and it feels like you're in a fancy and romantic spa. It's fun when a mask is pretty enough to selfie in. 3) They make my skin feel amazing. The formulas are great and I really feel like they do what they say they're going to do! 


Taking time out of your week to do a little something nice for yourself is important! And if you need more of an excuse to do one, it's scientifically proven that putting wet things on a face calms us down. It's called "Mammalian Diving Response" and it's why we love swimming and showering and bathing and those flotation pod things! It's necessary for your mental health as a human being tbh. 


Lemme know if you'd like to read about more mask recommendations from me, and tag me in your petal mask selfies if you try them! I'd love to see! 
